Okay, so my tech skills have eroded in the nearly 2 decades since I last worked in high tech. My Dell Desktop, Fedora 35, informed me the other day that my 4TB external Drive that I’ve been using to backup user spaces from a variety of computers is likely to fail soon. So I headed over to Costco and grabbed up a 8TB Seagate Backup Plus Hub external drive. Disks reports that it sees the drive as an NTFS drive.
I got to poking around in Disks and found that the GUID partition type was set to Basic Data Partition. I wanted to rename the drive to something more me friendly than “Seagate Backup Plus Drive”. I want to illustrate with screen captures he information that I found but can’t seem to figure out how to put images into this system. Below is my attempt to do so but they only appear to be links to the files on my computer.
In any event there were a whole list of GUID Patitions Types that were available in the Partiions edit drop down list for Linux and I was wondering if I should try choosing one of those and if so which one or just stick with the Basic Data type.
I’ll attempt to embedd the image files that illustrate what I found below here using the Upload option in this editor. Anybody who can tell me how to actually embed images into this system would be much appreciated.

Man I am jonesing for the old mail system that seemed much easier to use.