LFNW 2025 CfS is Closed & Update!


We are so grateful for all of the amazing talk submissions to LinuxFest 2025!

Our speaker team is evaluating and will be sending out acceptance notifications over the next 1-2 weeks. With over 80 diversely-represented submissions (many just last week :), it is amazing and a little daunting to consider so many qualified and new speakers and interesting topics, and we’ll need some time to make sure we can safely fit as many of y’all as possible!

Some of you are new to LFNW, others are familiar with the fest as it was before 2020 in the beautiful Bellingham Technical College campus center. Some may even remember the humble roots taking over the campus cafeteria and classrooms in the early 2000’s, a configuration that was reintroduced for 2024 as the campus center was unavailable.

With the campus center continuing to undergo renovations, 2025 will be in largely the same format, albeit incorporating a lot of lessons from 2024.

We’ve been getting some questions for hotel blocks - our hospitality team is planning to have this information available also within the next couple weeks

Our sponsorship team has been getting amazing interest and will be following up. To help streamline website updates, sponsorship applications for community support and tiered are available through the website

Will continue to gather feedback and keep updated with pertinent information, looking forward to late April!

The volunteer LinuxFest Northwest organizing team

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