For those of you who have not made the transition to the Discuss system, here is a link describing Kevin's talk at tonight's BLUG meeting. I just wanted to be sure everyone got the notification.
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I was looking for the August meeting details on the Discuss System, but it says I need an Invite Code to register.
What is the Invite Code?
John Blanford wrote:
For those of you who have not made the transition to the Discuss system, here is a link describing Kevin’s talk at tonight’s BLUG meeting. I just wanted to be sure everyone got the notification.
– John -------------------------------------------------------------------- John Blanford -------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________ Bellingham Linux Users Group Mailing List To post send mail to - To change options -
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On August 6, 2021 1:26:26 AM UTC, John Blanford wrote:
On 8/4/21 12:12 PM, Philip Walden wrote:
> Nevermind...I'm in.
> The Invite Code of LFNW2020 was the trick.
> Still cannot find anything about an Aug 5 meeting.
> Philip
Sorry Philip, I did not see your post earlier. We don't have a meeting
setup for tonight (Aug 5).
-- John
John Blanford
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